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Whether it's in small or large volumes, many businesses and organisations have to produce numerous items such as invoices or insurance policies as well as flyers, folders, and direct mailing items and send them to their clients on an everyday basis. Printing and envelope stuffing are time-intensive tasks that require a high level of accuracy. Tailor-made printing services and transactional printing by Post Business Solutions include printing and envelope-stuffing solutions that are innovative and flexible while providing a high level of data protection.
Every day, a total of 4.1 million letters arrive at the Österreichische Post letter mail centre in Vienna. Most of these items are now sent by businesses and organisations. Invoices, subscriptions, contracts, and customer information are some of the most common items sent to other businesses or private persons in Austria.
Transactional printing – large print orders delivered when needed, as needed, in a fail-safe process Bettina W. manages the customer information department at an Austrian energy provider. Providing timely and accurate customer service is her top priority. At least once a year, her department has to send out the annual invoice to all private and business clients, which adds up to hundreds of thousands of items sent to households. Every envelope must include the correct item and be addressed to the correct recipient. The item must be complete and 100% correct. Bettina W. also has to manage specific customer information projects (e.g., information about new rates or special offers) which are sent out in large volumes to clients several times a year. Since this is a large print, envelope-stuffing and shipping volume, Bettina W. wants maximum reliability, compliance with the GDPR and a one-stop shop, which primarily saves her department money and reduces her team’s workload. Thanks to state-of-the-art printing and envelope-stuffing machines, Post Business Solution can easily handle large volumes. Each of the sophisticated printing machines at our Österreichische Post print centre can stuff up to 26,000 envelopes (C4 format) per hour. Security is our number one priority because invoices, subscriptions and information about insurance policies or loan payments are privileged information and are as such subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our advanced transactional printing technique ensures that high security standards apply to the entire printing and envelope-stuffing process, from data transmission all the way to envelope stuffing and shipping. All Post Business Solutions employees are bound to the secrecy of the post and the banking secrecy. Thanks to innovative digital solutions such as the closed loop procedure, the correct information goes into the right envelope. The entire process complies with data protection regulations. Every day, millions of envelopes find their way to the intended recipients in Austria and abroad in a process that is always confidential and accurate. And there is more: to ensure that all relevant information reaches its destination in a timely manner, Post Business Solutions has a second location, which makes for fully fail-safe operations. In addition, both printing facilities are located right next to the Österreichische Post mail distribution centre in Vienna, which means that once the items have been produced and placed in envelopes, they will be posted immediately. Bettina W. can be sure that all the energy provider’s clients will receive their correct and complete annual invoice or customer information on time.
Tailor-made printing services: flexible and reliable Sometimes, small print projects have a big impact. Thomas K. is the mayor of a municipality in Upper Austria that has been organising prevention programmes for its citizens for many years to encourage them to do more health checks. To achieve that, attractive direct mailings, flyers, folders, brochures, and posters are used. With our tailor-made printing services, this advertising material can be produced as specified in a flexible and reliable process. The town does not have a dedicated graphic designer team for designing this advertising material, which is why Thomas K. appreciates support provided by Post Business Solutions for designing the advertising material. He also likes the one-stop-shop principle, which allows him to get all services, from graphic design and printing all the way to shipping items to the local population, from a single source. At the mayor’s request, every health promotion campaign has a different design. After all, Thomas K. knows that different demographic groups have different needs. To target them, he relies on assistance by Post Business Solutions for the entire process, from developing the initial artwork to the ready-to-print design. This takes a lot of work off the shoulders of the highly dedicated mayor who would otherwise have to hire several service providers and coordinate the project. Upon request, envelope stuffing and posting for items in format up to C4 is available. For that purpose, Post Business Solutions relies on the closed loop procedure to record all finished items and check them for accuracy. Our service centre offers high security standards and meets all requirements defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). After all, health information is privileged information. Ultimately, Thomas K. can send timely information about the upcoming health promotion offers to each and every local citizen. Long live healthy communities!
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