EN - English
Data protection Post Business Solutions GmbH
This data protection policy applies to all personal data processed by Post Business Solutions GmbH on behalf of our business partners in our role as processor. Post Business Solutions GmbH, Halban-Kurz-Strasse 11, 1230 Vienna ("PBS", "we", "us") is responsible for ensuring that your personal data is adequately protected. PBS complies with all legal provisions about the protection, lawful handling and confidentiality of personal data as well as data safety.
As a processor, we follow the instructions of our business partners, who are considered data controllers under the GDPR. We are responsible for the technical and organisational measures necessary to protect the personal data provided by the controllers and to ensure the lawful processing of such data.
The information that you will find on this page is addressed to interested parties, customers, suppliers, and business partners. You can find the relevant information at Data Protection Policy of Austrian Post Online Services and Data Protection Policy Marketing and Advertising. If you are a business partner of PBS, you can find additional information for business partners at Data Protection Policy for Business Client Administration, Products, and Services. If you apply for a position PBS, we will let you know how and to what extent we process your personal data before we start the application process. Data protection for applicants. If you subsequently become an employee of PBS, we will process your data as described in the data protection policy for employees of PBS. The updated policy is available on the Intranet under Employees/data protection and on our information board.
As a processor, we assist our business partners in fulfilling their obligations to respond to requests from data subjects to exercise their rights under Art. 15 of the GDPR. Under certain conditions, you can request the restriction of processing as well as the correction and deletion of your personal data from the data controller. For more information, please refer to Articles 16 to 19 of the GDPR. In addition, you have the option of filing a complaint with the Austrian Data Protection Authority:
Austrian Data Protection Authority Barichgasse 40-42 1030 Vienna Austria
Telephone: +43 1 52 152-0 E-mail: dsb@dsb.gv.at
To contact the data protection officer of PBS with data protection inquiries, please use one of the following options:
We process your request on the basis of the data you provide. Please make sure your information is correct – especially your name and address
Information on the use of cookies on our websites and additional information related to data protection law is available at Data protection.