EN - English
Import customs impediments
Did you receive a customs notice saying that we are not able to forward the mail item to you? This might be due to missing documents. Below please find all related information.
For the subsequent processing of your item, two options exist:
For both options, chose one of the following:
1. Online communication Follow the instructions on the website indicated in the letter: post.at/track/trackingnumer For more information, please click here 2. Communication via e-mail Send us an e-mail to the indicated e-mail address with the subject line indicated in the letter and attach the missing documents (PDF preferred if you are accepting the item). 3. Communication via letter Check the desired option on the enclosed response letter and send it to the indicated address along with the missing documents. If you do not want to accept the item, send the response letter only.
If you decide not to accept the item or if we do not hear from you in due time or receive insufficient information, the item will either be returned to the sender, disposed of, or handed over to customs authorities. In that case, we will not need any documents from you and there are no fees involved. The deadline for sending your document is indicated in the notice you have received. Items cannot be picked up personally. Additional information: If you accept the item, the following fees and duties may apply which we will collect at the time of delivery:
For the customs declaration, either an invoice or an order confirmation including payment confirmation (e.g., PayPal statement, credit card statement) is required. If there are several articles, we will need the price per item. Please note that we cannot accept documents in Chinese, Cyrillic, etc. script and that we do not accept proforma invoices.
Gift parcel: Even if you are sending a gift, you need to indicate the value and the content of your item.
The value indicated by the recipient is not plausible and has to be checked. For the customs declaration, either an invoice or an order confirmation including payment confirmation (e.g., PayPal statement, credit card statement) is required. If there are several articles, we will need the price per item. Please note that we cannot accept documents in Chinese, Cyrillic, etc. script and that we do not accept proforma invoices.
Gift parcels: Even if you are sending a gift, you need to indicate the value and the content of your item,
If provided documents confirm the originally indicated value, we will not charge you the processing and storage fee.
For the customs declaration, an import permit pursuant to the 2011 Foreign Trade Act as amended is required.
For the customs declaration of return items worth less than EUR 1,000, a copy of the Air Waybill (AWB) or a mail posting certificate is required. For items worth more than EUR 1,000, an e-exit result message is required in addition to the aforementioned documents.
For the customs declaration, a firearms licence, a firearms ownership card, a permit for owning a firearm pursuant to the 1996 Austrian Firearms Act as amended or a business licence for the firearms industry as defined by the 1994 Industrial Code as amended is required.
For the customs declaration of pharmaceutical products, a corresponding import permit pursuant to the 2010 Austrian Pharmaceutical Product Import Act as amended is required, unless an exemption as defined in the 2010 Pharmaceutical Product Import Act exists. For additional information, please see this link.
For the customs declaration, a confirmation of import privileges issued by the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (import privileges declaration) is required.
A business licence for trade activities and commercial agents pursuant to the 1994 Industrial Code as amended is required for the customs declaration of tobacco products as defined in the Tobacco Monopoly Act of 1996 as amended and tobacco products as well as related products as defined in the Tobacco and Non-Smoker Protection Act as amended, including e-cigarettes and other liquids. A tobacco product or related product as defined in the Tobacco and Non-Smoker Protection Act as amended is any product intended to be smoked, sniffed, sucked, or chewed, provided that it consists fully or partially of tobacco, as well as any novelty tobacco products, herbal smoking product, electronic cigarettes and their liquids. Importing such tobacco products is only permitted for recipients who hold the business licence indicated above.
For the customs declaration, the documents indicated in the letter are required.
Your item might contain goods as defined in Annex I of Regulation (EU) 2023/956 on establishing a CO2 Border Adjustment Mechanism ("CBAM Regulation").
If such goods are included, under Article 35 of the CBAM Regulation, you as the importer have a reporting obligation: this means you are required to submit a report to the European Commission for the CBAM goods imported in a calendar year's quarter, no later than one month after the end of that quarter. Further details are available at www.bmf.gv.a (currently under Topics => Climate Policy => Carbon Markets – Emissions Trading => Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)). These reporting obligations will not be undertaken by Österreichische Post AG.
Österreichische Post AG can only register your item with Austrian customs and deliver it to you if you authorise Österreichische Post AG as a direct representative.
Customs impediments AR (عربي)
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Customs impediments DE (Deutsch)
pdf, 109 kb (German)
Customs impediments EN (English)
pdf, 128 kb (English)
Customs impediments RO (Română)
pdf, 109 kb (Romanian)
Customs impediments SR (Српски)
pdf, 162 kb (Serbian)
Customs impediments TR (Türkce)
pdf, 131 kb (Turkish)