Julia Haugeneder – Folding 139, 2020 18.08.2023
The young Viennese artist Julia Haugeneder is known for her unique folding objects.
She makes the material for her artworks herself, using a mixture of bookbinder's glue, stone powder, and pigments, she pours out large surfaces; the resulting thin and pliable foils are then folded, crumpled, or rolled into different objects. For the artist, folding is a movement that can create order and bring two previously distant points into contact with each other. It is a dialogical process and an intense engagement with the material, which acts as a membrane between inside and outside in every fold. The material’s colour and superficial structure are key. Julia Haugeneder works in series, and her folded objects are numbered consecutively. The stamp motif "Folding 139" was created in 2020 for an installation at the Sophia Vonier Gallery.
Value: 0.95 Euro
First day of issue: 26.09.2023
Stamp size: 37.70 x 45.00 mm
Graphic design: Theresa Radlingmaier
Printing: Joh. Enschedé Stamps B.V.
offset printing
Quantity: 250,000 stamps on sheets of 50 stamps