EN - English
One process ahead - Business Service Portal
The Business Service Portal (USP), a successful initiative by the Austrian Federal Government, makes it easier for businesses to access key services and information digitally – covering areas such as company formation, taxation, employment law, and more. However, the growing volume of documents sent to businesses via the USP poses a significant challenge when it comes to processing them.
Businesses receive a wide range of documents through the USP – including invoices, court letters, and insurance records. These need to be downloaded manually, categorised, and forwarded to the relevant department or individual. This process is both time-intensive and resource-heavy. Staff are required to deal with various document types and assign them correctly. Mistakes can lead to data protection risks, as sensitive information may be handled improperly.
This is where our AI-powered solution comes in: the Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) platform DAiTA. It automates the processing of documents sent to your business via the USP. DAiTA automatically collects incoming mail, opens it, classifies the attached documents, and forwards them to the appropriate recipients – securely, reliably, and efficiently.
Your business stands to gain in several ways::
Interested? Download our detailed three-pager to learn how your business can process incoming USP documents more efficiently with DAiTA.
AI automation in the Business Service Portal
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