EN - English
Data protection, Wertlogistik
Mandatory information according to Art 13 and 14 GDPR of a purely informative nature. Status: September 2024
1.1. This data protection policy is addressed to applicants of Post Wertlogistik GmbH ("PWL", "we", "us"), regardless of the application channel through which we receive your application.
1.2. If your application leads to employment with us, our relevant data protection policy for employees of PWL applies. This policy might already be available to you for your information.
2.1. Joint responsibility with Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft
2.1.1. If you apply to PWL via the career portal (karriere.post.at), if you contact PWL via the career portal via direct contact or if you consent to your application being forwarded to PWL for the purpose of finding a suitable position as part of your application to Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft via the career portal, your personal data will be processed in the career portal under joint responsibility with Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft, Rochusplatz 1, 1030 Vienna.
2.1.2. In the case of joint responsibility, Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft is responsible for the following data processing operations:
2.1.3. In the case of joint responsibility, PLW is responsible for the following data processing:
2.2. Sole responsibility of Post Wertlogistik GmbH
2.2.1. Post Wertlogistik GmbH, Steinheilgasse 1, 1210 Vienna ("PWL", "we", "us") is solely responsible for your personal data that we receive and process in the course of your application outside the career portal or in addition / following your application via the career portal. This applies, for example, to applications that we receive directly, the organisation and execution of job interviews as well as acceptance or rejection letters that are not shared via the career platform. In this context, PWL is solely responsible for guaranteeing all data subject rights and other data protection obligations. PWL complies with all legal provisions about the protection, lawful handling and confidentiality of personal data as well as data safety.
2.2.2. We process your personal data in accordance with data protection regulations, above all the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Austrian Data Protection Act and other relevant laws.
2.3. Sole responsibility of Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft
2.3.1. For further information on data processing under the sole responsibility of Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft in connection with your application via the career portal, please refer to Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft's data protection policy ("data protection applicants").
3.1. We receive your personal data either
3.2. During the application process, you have to provide the data required for a potential employment and which we are legally required to collect. If you do not provide this data, we usually refuse to offer employment. However, you do not have to provide your consent to data processing of data not relevant for a possible employment or that is not legally required.
4.1. You can apply to us by direct or open application or via the career portal (karriere.post.at). If you apply to us via the career portal, the data you provide in the course of your application in the career portal will be processed under joint responsibility (Art. 26 GDPR) with Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft.
4.2. Your application and the processing of your application is a processing of your personal data and might also be a processing of personal data of a special category.
4.3. The processing of your personal data that you share with us in the course of an application process is carried out for the purpose of processing and verifying the implementation of a non-discriminatory application procedure and for recruiting suitable personnel. Additional purposes that are attributable to the special legal requirements for security companies (PWL) are listed in the appropriate places under items 4.4, 4.5 and 5.
4.4. Data processing, depending on the application channel:
4.4.1. Application via our via the career portal (karriere.post.at)
We process your data as part of applicant management for the purpose of handling application processes via the career portal. If you apply for a position at Österreichische Post, the career portal karriere.post.at will be available to you. Every applicant can create their own user profile. Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft can create user profiles for applications received in writing. If you decide to apply via this system, you have to create a user account. For the creation and maintenance of your user accounts, the career platform's relevant data protection policy applies. This information will be provided to you when you create the account. You can access and read this information again here. Legal basis for data processing: Art 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR (performance of a contract or pre-contractual measures), Art. 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR (legitimate interest in handling the application process via the career portal and managing your data), fulfilling our obligations under Section 18 of the Austrian Salaried Employees Act or Section 1157 of the Austrian Civil Code (employer's duty of care)), if applicable Art. 6 (1) (c) in conjunction with Art. 9 (2) (b) of the GDPR - fulfillment of a legal obligation, in particular with regard to obligations of the employment relationship to be established, provided that your application documents contain special category data.
4.4.2. Open application and direct application to PWL
4.5. Possible data processing independently of the application channel:
4.5.1. To comply with statutory obligations PWL has legal obligations, such as documentation duties, obligations from employer law, labour law, and social law as well as provisions from company law, tax law and entrepreneurial law. In addition, we have inspection and reporting duties. We process your data as required by law to comply with these regulations. Legal basis for processing: Art. 6 (1) of the GDPR (legal obligation)
During the application process, we usually do not process any data on the basis of your consent. We will only ask for your additional consent if none of the grounds for processing as defined in items 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.5.1, 4.5.3, 4.5.4 and 4.5.5 applies (e.g., if you wish for your application to be kept on file). If you have provided your consent for an individual case, you can revoke this at any time with future effect and without having to state reasons. Legal basis for processing: Art. 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR (consent)
4.5.3. Insurance data excerpt from your social security provider Provided that we invite you to a job interview, we will ask you to send us an insurance data excerpt from your social security provider (without information about your assessment basis). You can request this document from your social security provider; further information is available here. When compiling this insurance data excerpt, the social security provider acts as an independent responsible party as defined in Article 4 (7) of the GDPR. The processing of the insurance data extract transmitted by you to us is based on the legitimate interest and for the purpose of
Among others, the legal basis for data processing are the following laws (as amended) and contractual obligations: Art. 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR (legitimate interest), Sections 129 (4) and Section 5 (3) in connection with Section 130 (8) of the 1994 Industrial Code, Sections 353 ff of the Austrian Civil Code, contractual liability.
4.5.4. Creditworthiness data If we invite you to a job interview, we kindly ask you to request an "InfoPass Bewerber" or "InfoPass Finanzierer" with information about your creditworthiness from KSV 1870 Information AG, Wagen-seilgasse 7, 1120 Vienna, Austria (hereinafter referred to as: KSV 1870) before the interview, to bring this document to the interview and to give it to us. This has the advantage that you will be able to see the creditworthiness information provided by KSV 1870 and all included data before this information is handed over to PWL. As a result, you will know exactly what personal data we will process from this "InfoPass Bewerber" or "InfoPass Finanzierer". When making this creditworthi-ness assessment and when collecting information for the "InfoPass Bewerber" or "InfoPass Finanzierer", KSV 1870 acts as an independent processor as defined in Article 4 (7) of the GDPR. Please note that for requesting and obtaining the product "InfoPass Bewerber " and "InfoPass Finanzierer" by KSV 1870, the data protection policy of KSV 1870 alone applies.
Information about "InfoPass Bewerber" is available here.
We will process this "InfoPass Bewerber" or "{InfoPass Finanzierer" sent to us by you based on our legitimate interest for the purpose of
Among others, the legal basis for data processing are the following laws (as amended) and contractual obligations: Art. 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR (legitimate interest), Sections 129 (4) and (5) (3) in connection with Section 130 (8) of the 1994 Industrial Code, Sections 353 ff of the Austrian Civil Code, Section 1157 of the Austrian Civil Code, contractual liability.
4.5.5. Photo for employee ID If we hire you, we will issue an employee ID that will include a photo of your face. In order for us to be able to provide an employee ID on your first day of work, we kindly ask you to bring an ID photo (passport format) to the job interview. If you do not bring an ID photo to your job interview, we will use the picture you previously sent us in your application package to issue your employee ID. The processing of the photo will be done in our legitimate interest for the purpose of
Among others, the legal basis for data processing are the following laws (as amended) and contractual obligations: Art. 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR (legitimate interest), Sections 353 ff of the Austrian Civil Code, contractual liability.
5.1. From staffing agencies If you applied for a position with PWL via a staffing agency, the staffing agency will collect your personal data (usually your first and last name, your date of birth, your place of birth, your nationality and address, your education, previous career, résumé and sometimes your cover letter and other personal data that you consider relevant for your application) and will transfer this data to us for evaluation. Also, we will let the staffing agency know if and when we hired you (see item 6.4 below).
Staffing agencies will provide us all information that you have shared with the staffing agency (application package).
5.2. MyVeeta Talent Pool The technology for our talent pool is called "myVeeta" and is operated and provided by Talent Solutions GmbH (Kölblgasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria). When you register for myVeeta, you create a confidential, private account and grant myVeeta access to your data. Talent Solutions GmbH is the independent controller for the processing of your personal data in myVeeta (myVeeta profile).
The privacy policy of myVeeta is available here. Registration in the myVeeta talent pool is voluntary and by no means required for an application to PWL.
Among others, the legal basis for data processing are the following laws (as amended) and contractual obligations: Art. 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR (performance of a contract/pre-contractual measures), Art. 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR (legitimate interest).
As a security operator, PWL is obliged to use only those employees who are authorised and have the necessary aptitude and reliability to carry out activities, especially in the security and transport industry. As a security operator, PWL is legally required to have a background check performed by the competent security authority no later than two weeks before hiring the employee in question.
For the competent security authority to be able to perform this background check, we will share the following data: First and last name, date of birth, place of birth, nationality and address.
The security authority will perform an internal check about you. After finishing this assessment, they will let PWL know if you are a person "reliable and qualified" to perform the desired job whom we are allowed to hire or not. If the authority tells us that you are not a "reliable" or qualified person for this profession, we may not hire you. The security authority does not provide us with any information about the data used for the internal assessment (including criminal record or administrative fines). Also, we do not question the results we receive.
Among others, the legal basis for data processing are the following laws (as amended): Art. 6 (1) (c) (legal obligation), Sections 129 (4) and (5) (3) in connection with Section 130 (9) of the 1994 Industrial Act.
5.4. Social media check In addition, we reserve the right to perform a search about you (by entering your first and last name) in popular search engines (e.g., Google) and social media prior to offering your employment. These checks performed by PWL will only include publicly available/accessible postings and profiles as well as information from public and generally accessible sources (e.g., newspaper articles). If we find postings or information that we consider to speak against your reliability or qualification (Section 130 (8) of the 1994 Industrial Code), we will let you know during or before the job interview.
In this context, we process the data that appears when you enter your first name and last name. However, this does not result in any storage (e.g., download) or disclosure to third parties.
The social media check is performed based on a legitimate interest for the following purposes:
6.1. Below you will find a list of the potential categories of recipients and specific recipients (insofar as this is possible) at PWL to whom personal data may be transferred in the context of the aforementioned data processing.
Please note:
6.2. Courts, authorities, insurances: There are some statutory provisions that PWL can only comply with by sharing your personal data with public authorities (such as social security organisations, tax offices or prosecuting bodies, supervisory bodies, etc.) or courts in the required scope.
Public bodies and institutions that receive your data in any case in the course of the application process:
These businesses can provide such services at attractive rates while, most importantly, delivering high quality. Therefore, we transfer your personal data to such businesses in the scope necessary for them to provide the contractually agreed services. Such services include, among others, data storage in our secure data centres. We currently use the following processors:
6.4. Other recipients: In individual cases, as part of the precontractual relationship, your personal data might be shared with additional parties (such as insurance companies or brokers, human resources providers, etc.) These recipients are each independent controllers within as defined in Art. 4 (7) of the GDPR.
6.5. If data are shared with recipients for processing, this does not mean that all data sets will be shared, but merely those that are required for processing by third parties.
7.1. Applications that do not lead to employment are automatically deleted within seven months of completion of the application process (acceptance, rejection or withdrawal of application). The deletion includes all data that you have made available to us (your application documents, InfoPass Bewerber or InfoPass Finanzierer, photo for the employee ID, etc.) and also those that we receive/collect from third parties (result of the background check and the social media check, application documents from myVeeta/personnel service providers). In individual cases, your data may also be stored longer if this is necessary for legal prosecution (see item 8.1.1.).
7.3. If you applied via our career portal (karriere.post.at), you can delete your career portal user account yourself. Please refer again to the relevant data protection policy of Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft. If you do not sign in to your user account for seven months, it will automatically be deleted. If you applied for a position and you went through the entire application process, we will, even if you delete your account, keep your application package for seven months after the conclusion of the application process, and delete it immediately after this period.
8.1. Below you will find a list of the potential purposes for which your personal data may be further processed, the legal bases for processing and the storage period. In addition, we disclose the possible recipients of your data in connection with this data processing.
8.1.1. Legal matters and disputes
8.1.2. Exercising your rights as a data subject under the GDPR
8.1.3. Processing for handling data protection incidents
8.1.4. Compliance management
10.1. Yes, provided that the European Commission has confirmed that this third country has an adequate data protection level and that adequate data protection safeguards exist (e.g. binding in-house data protection provisions or standard EU data protection clauses).
10.2. In exceptional cases, the data may also be shared with a third country with your explicit consent, provided that we have informed you about possible risks associated with the planned disclosure and the lack of adequate data protection guarantees.
11.1. If you so desire, we will provide information about your personal data that we process whenever you like. In addition, in some cases, you also have the right to data portability, meaning that we would give you all personal data you have disclosed to us in a structured, standard and machine processable format.
11.4. In addition, you have the option of filing a complaint with the Austrian Data Protection Authority: Österreichische Datenschutzbehörde, Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Vienna. In the case of unlawful processing of your personal data, you can also turn to the competent court civil court.