AllesPost Germany – delivered to Austria

Wondering what to do if an online shop delivers the desired product to Germany, but not to Austria? Not a problem! With AllesPost Germany, you will receive a German delivery address to which your order will first be delivered. We will register your item there and forward it directly to your address in Austria. Here’s another plus of AllesPost Germany: you get to choose from all available Austrian Post receiving options.
  • The AllesPost Germany service is free of charge.
  • Enter your personal AllesPost Germany address as the delivery address for the desired online shop.
  • The order will be delivered to our German shipping warehouse, labelled with a new address label and handed over to Austrian Post. 
  • As soon as our partner in Germany has accepted your item, we will notify you via e-mail.
  • You will receive a payment link in the e-mail and can pay for your item online using this link or directly from the item tracking service.
  • The order will be delivered to you by Austrian Post as usual. All Austrian Post receiving options are available from the time the parcel is accepted. 
  • We are working on an AllesPost Germany returns solution. At present, returns are only possible as international shipments.

Please note: only use the service within the EU, as international online shops may incur customs and import duties and we do not accept such items.



Online shop does not deliver to Austria

Online shop does not deliver to Austria...

...but does deliver to Germany. An AllesPost Germany address allows you to receive the products you want in Austria even though they cannot be delivered to Austria. Just request your AllesPost Germany address to start receiving items from Germany soon.

Get your AllesPost Germany address now
Delivery costs to Austria too high

Shipping to Austria too expensive

Is shipping to Austria too high or does it even exceed the product’s value? Use your AllesPost Germany address to always pay only 7.49 for shipping to Austria (max. 31.5 kg; max. length 200 cm; max. girth 360 cm).

Set up your AllesPost Germany address now


Setting up the service is free of charge. We only charge EUR 7.49 per item when an order is sent to your AllesPost Germany address.