Info.Post Express: for ultra-fast shipping

Choose Info.Post Express when time is of the essence. Our express shipping service is the perfect solution for ensuring that even items sent at short notice make it to their destination on time. We guarantee the timely delivery of obituaries as well as flyers and brochures within 2 to 3 business days.

The benefit of express shipping

Do you have things to share at short notice? Especially for important information including obituaries, prompt delivery is key. Info.Post Express saves you time and is the perfect service for planning mailing campaigns with limited lead times.

  • Delivery within 2 to 3 business days 
  • Available from just 500 items
  • 50 % are usually delivered on the very same day

What can be sent as Info.Post Express items?

Commercial items such as the following can be sent as Info.Post Express items:

  • Information leaflets
  • Brochures, leaflets, and vouchers
  • pecial formats and samples
  • Max. item weight 50g

Info.Post Express is also a great choice for sending obituaries (max. item weight 10 g). Let Austrian Post assist you and take care of creating posting lists and bundle labels.

In which distribution areas can Info.Post Express be used?

We can only deliver to postcodes assigned to a distribution basis. Please check our Posting Manager to see which postcodes have been assigned to which delivery basis.

Shipping with Info.Post Express made easy

  1. Shipping documents: 
    After signing in to our Posting Tool, you can conveniently create posting lists and bundle labels online. 
  2. Pre-notification of posting:
    Please bring your item to any Austrian Post service location (branch or Post Partner) for payment and schedule a time of posting with the delivery basis.
  3. Sample:
    At the time of posting at the delivery basis, please have a sample of your item handy.
  4. Posting your items:
    On the scheduled day, please post your items between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. at the delivery basis. Please bring your invoice or Opal receipt.
  5. Delivery of your items by Austrian Post: Your shipments will be delivered within 2 to 3 business days. If you deliver your shipment to the delivery base by 8:00 a.m., the day of delivery will count towards the delivery time.
To the Posting Tool

Rates and other information

For an overview of all rates, please see our General Terms and Conditions available under downloads. In addition, all information is available for printout in the form of an Info.Post Express product information.

Delivery Individually
Minimum volume 500 items (extra payment available)
Delivery time E+2/3 (2 bzw. 3 working days – excluding Saturdays – after posting) If the item is delivered to the delivery base by 8:00 a.m., the day of delivery counts towards the delivery time.
2-step posting At Austrian Post service locations and on the following day between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. at delivery bases
Minimum dimensions
L 140 x W 90 mm
Maximum dimensions L 324 x W 229 x H 24 mm
Maximum weight

Commercial items: 50 g
Obituaries: 10 g

Bundling Bundled by locality (divided into batches of 200 or 100 items each) with one bundle label per bundle.
Bundle height: 20-235 mm, max. bundle weight: 10 kg
Shipping documents Posting list and bundle label created with our Posting Tool
Franking impression Zugestellt durch Österreichische Post (Delivered by Österreichische Post)
Go to GTC

All relevant information is available under "GTC - Info.Post Express".

Rate overview, Info.Post Express (available in German only)


Info.Post Express product information (available in German only)



Posting locations overview (available in German only)


Contact us

If you have any questions about our products or if you would like to request a non-binding quote, don't hesitate to contact us.

Go to contact form