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Digital incoming mail
Would you like to have access to your business mail anytime and from anywhere? Use our digital incoming mail service to receive your letter mail items on the same day in digitised format. Upon request, we will also classify your data, extract data, and make them available in a machine-readable format. Our digital incoming mail service saves time and money and makes sure that your information is easier to find. Take the first step towards the paperless office!
Nowadays, businesses receive documents and information via an ever-increasing number of channels. The amount of information that needs to be processed on an everyday basis can also be a challenge. This leaves little time for those truly important tasks such as customer assistance. Let us help you get things under control by digitally recording, classifying, archiving, and sharing your documents with the correct recipients. In addition to your incoming mail, we also offer digitisation service for your invoices,orders and forms.
If you would like to receive all your physical incoming mail electronically on the same day, our basic digital incoming is what you need. Our premium digital incoming mail goes beyond that and additionally classifies, extracts pre-defined content, validates it and makes all documents received via physical or digital channels available to you in a machine-readable format.
Our basis digital incoming mail makes location-independent work easier and allows users to ac-cess daily mail from their home office. Electronic delivery shortens processing times, which in turn increases customer satisfaction.
Read our success stories now
Introducing a comprehensive solution for your daily mail: our premium digital incoming mail! In addition to electronic delivery of your items, we will also classify them automatically and extract data contained therein. Data quality will be evaluated by our employees and by artificial intelligence.