EN - English
Medien.Zustell GmbH
Medien.Zustell GmbH is a fully owned subsidiary of Österreichische Post. Our main responsibility is the bundling of unaddressed advertising mail items.
We also offer our experience and capacities in the field of e-commerce for order picking, relocation of shipping units, short-term storage or returns processing.
The best-known product in this category is KUVERT by Österreichische Post for which we provide bundling services at three facilities (Vienna, Graz, Oberwang) in Austria.
To see our current job listings, please visit: Careers Please note: In the "Job, term" field, please enter the following: Medien.Zustell GmbH. We also look forward to receiving general applications. Please send them to: Centre Vienna E-mail: MZG.Assistenz.Ost@mzg.co.at More information about our Centre East.
Centre Graz E-mail: MZG.Assistenz.Sued@mzg.co.at More information about our Centre South.
Centre Oberwang E-mail: MZG.Assistenz.West@mzg.co.at More information about our Centre West.
We believe in collaboration
We shape the future
We are there for our customers
Headquarters Medien.Zustell GmbH – Headquarters Rochusplatz 1, 1030 Vienna Managing director: Roman Chrappa Managing director: DI Bernd Wippel MBA
Centre Vienna Halban-Kurz-Straße 11 Gate 58-65 1230 Vienna Telephone: 0664/624 1405 E-mail: MZG.Assistenz.Ost@mzg.co.at Posting times: 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. More information
Centre Graz Köglerweg 50 8042 Graz Telephone: 0664/624 6166 E-mail: MZG.Assistenz.Sued@mzg.co.at Posting times: 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. More information Centre Oberwang Gewerbestraße 4 4882 Oberwang Telephone: +43 664 624 1349 Telephone: +43 664 624 1972 E-mail: MZG.Assistenz.West@mzg.co.at Posting times: 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.