Sending company newspapers to enhance customer loyalty​​​​​​​​

Do you have important content and want to achieve better customer loyalty? Print newspapers and magazines continue to enjoy great relevance and are perceived as particularly high-quality media. Take advantage of these benefits and send your company newspaper to your customers and employees!

Your benefits with company newspapers

Does your magazine for customers and employees provide exciting information on current affairs and specialist issues or cover topics such as religion, art & culture, politics & business, science, or sport? In that case, why not turn it into a high-quality print company magazine to enhance your customer loyalty and your image as an employer?

  • Delivery throughout Austria
  • Reliable delivery time
  • Increase customer and employee loyalty with relevant editorial content
  • Up to three supplements or inserts possible
  • Flexible choice between company newspaper & company newspaper “light”

How the delivery of company newspapers works

1.  Requirements for company newspaper & company newspaper “light”

  • Existing customer and employee magazine 
  • Publication in consecutive numbers under the same title
  • Always different content
  • Editorial content at least 30%
  • Publication frequency:
    • Company newspaper “light”: at least twice a year
    • Company newspaper: at least 4 times a year
  • Volume:
    • Company newspaper “light”: at least 8 pages per issue
    • Company newspaper: at least 16 pages per issue

Would you like to add supplements or inserts to your company newspaper? All you have to do is meet these criteria:

  • Max. 3 supplements/inserts per company newspaper
  • Supplements/inserts can take the form of samples, product samples or tip-on cards
  • The total weight of the inserts is equal to or less than the net weight of the company newspaper
  • Your supplements/inserts do not take the form of: contracts and amendments, invoices, reminders, payment requests, fee updates

Unfortunately, we cannot deliver your newspaper in the following cases:

  • Items with excessive (more than 70%) or exclusively advertising content
  • These are catalogues, direct mailings, brochures, and flyers– find out more about our other services:
  • Item formats beyond the prescribed shipping dimensions

2.  Registration agreement

Do you meet all the requirements for the company newspaper or company newspaper “light”? If so, the second step is to conclude a registration agreement for each newspaper title. The online application is available via the electronic business customer portal ELLA. Registration is not required!

You can post your publications at the contractually agreed distribution centres during predefined posting times. For a list with detailed information, please go to the download area.

3.  Preparing for shipping

  1. As a first step, use our Austrian Post Posting Manager to create your posting lists and bundle labels in a breeze. 
  2. Pre-notification of posting: for a print run of more than 30,000 items, please notify us at least 5 business days in advance by e-mailing us at
  3. As the next step, you create a sample for each batch
  4. Posting your items:
  • Bundling by locality, distribution area and distribution zone bundles (ascending by postcode, cross-tied)
  • Bundle height: 20-235 mm, max. bundle weight: 10 kg, min. 10 pieces per bundle (except heavy items)
  • Enclose a fully completed bundle label with each bundle (including title and contract number)
  • Several bundles can be delivered together on one pallet, the maximum weight per pallet is 700 kg

You can post 1,000 units or more. If you need fewer units, you have the option to pay a surcharge on the minimum quantity.

Facts and figures

Publication frequency min. 4 times/year
Delivery E+6: within 6 business days (Monday through Friday)
Posted volume min. 1,000 units, additional payment to reach minimum volume available
Subsequently posted items Not available
Minimum dimensions L 140 x W 90 mm
Maximum dimensions L 324 x W 229 x H 24 mm
Maximum weight 2,.000 g incl. packaging and supplements
Franking impression

- in three lines on the front or back or on the packaging

- in a single line above the address for window envelopes, address labels or directly printed on the item


Österreichische Post AG
Product code FZ
Contractual number
Product letter: F
Sender's address

Österreichische Post AG
FZ 07Z025597 F
Any Company, Any Street 10, 1010 Vienna

Return information

If you do not want returns, please indicate: "Retouren an Postfach 555, 1008 Wien" or "Nicht retournieren"

If you want returns sent back to the sender or to a PO box: EUR 0.01 net/item

VAT Subject to VAT (not part of universal services)
Posting documents Posting list and bundle labels from our Post Österreichische Post Posting Manager

Go to GTC

All relevant information is available under "GTC - company newspapers" and "Special conditions - machine processability".

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Details about regional publications

Company newspaper product information (available in German only)


Company newspaper light product information (available in German only)


Shipping documents

Posting list for company newspapers (available in German only)


Bundle label for company newspapers (available in German only)


Bundle label for company newspapers (available in German only)


List of logistics centres and opening hours (available in German only)


Contact us

If you have any questions about our products or if you would like to request a non-binding quote, don't hesitate to contact us.

Go to contact form