Safe shipment for your bottles with prepaid wine parcels and business wine parcels

Our wine parcels are the perfect packaging solution by Austrian Post for shipping bottles without any breakage. Available options are our business wine parcels for business clients and prepaid wine parcels with prepaid postage. They can be purchased at our roughly 370 wine logistics service locations.

Prepaid wine parcels

The box comes with a prepaid wine parcel stamp for domestic shipping. The parcel stamp includes postage, packaging, Österreichische Post liability for up to EUR 510, the Austrian road toll, and VAT.

  • 3 box sizes for shipping three, six or twelve bottles
  • For bottles between 290 and 355 mm in height
  • Available in sets of 5 and comes in a large box

Use our prepaid wine parcel service to ship your wines to destinations in Austria and other EU countries.


Wine parcel For 3 bottles
For 6 bottles For 12 bottles
Wine parcel
Basic fee for domestic shipping 
For 3 bottles
(9.60 net)
For 6 bottles

(11.00 net)

For 12 bottles

(14.00 net)

Wine parcel
Add road toll
For 3 bottles
(0.24 net)
For 6 bottles
(0.24 net)
For 12 bottles

(0.24 net)

Wine parcel
Surcharge for shipping to Germany
For 3 bottles
(8.58 net)
For 6 bottles

(9.79 net)

For 12 bottles
(9.79 net)
Wine parcel
Surcharge for shipping to other EU countries*)
For 3 bottles
(12.65 net)
For 6 bottles
(16.83 net) 
For 12 bottles
(21.34 net)
Wine parcel
Add road toll for shipping to Germany and other EU countries*
For 3 bottles
(0.37 net)
For 6 bottles
(0.37 net)
For 12 bottles
(0.37 net)

All indicated rates are in euro and include 20% VAT.
*) The difference to shipping to EU countries will be charged at the time of posting the wine parcel at the Österreichische Post service location.

Our business wine parcels are a great choice for contractual clients who need certified packaging for shipping their wine bottles without any breakage:

  • Our empty boxes are available for shipping one, two, three, six, or twelve bottle(s). 
  • Order them online in our Business Parcel-Shop from the Österreichische Pots sales backoffice in sets of 10 that come in a large box.
  • Empty boxes will be delivered by our subsidiary and fulfillment expert Post Systemlogistik.
  • Once the boxes have been filled, they are easy to label with our parcel shipping system Österreichische Post labelling centre. Shipping costs (for shipping the full boxes) and for shipping empty boxes will be charged as defined in the agreement.

If you are interested in this service, please use our convenient contact form to get in touch with us.