Postal voting for the 2025 Vienna election

On 27 April 2025, the Vienna municipal and district council elections will take place.

Eligible voters who are unable to cast their vote at their designated polling station on election day have the option to vote using a voting card:

  • at any designated voting card polling station in Vienna,
  • by postal vote, both domestically and abroad, or  
  • by requesting a visit from a mobile electoral commission at their home.

Apply for a voting card

Below, you can apply for your voting card in an easy process (available in German only).

Election information at a glance

You can now apply for a voting card for the 2025 Vienna election at the electoral office of your local municipal district authority. Please note the deadlines for applying for a voting card: 

  • Written application (also by e-mail, online or fax) by 23 April 2025
  • Personal application (not by phone!) by 25 April 2025, 12:00 noon

Your application must also state the reason for requesting the voting card (e.g., absence from the area, stay abroad, health reasons).

Since postal delivery and return of voting cards must be considered, it is advisable to apply in good time. The postage for standard shipping will be covered for you – regardless of whether you are voting from within the country or abroad.



  1. From the beginning of April 2025, your voting card will be sent to you upon request, or you can collect it in person.
  2. If voting by post, you can cast your vote as soon as you receive your voting card—you do not need to wait until election day.
  3. For Austrian citizens, complete the official ballot papers personally, in private, and without influence. For non-Austrian EU citizens, complete the official ballot paper under the same conditions. Follow the instructions provided with your voting card. Place the completed ballot paper(s) inside the small voting envelope and then insert this envelope into the voting card.
  4. Sign the declaration on oath in the designated field and seal the voting card.
  5. A voting card used for postal voting must arrive by election day (27 April 2025) by 5:00 p.m.—either by post or by submission to the relevant district electoral authority (the address is printed on the voting card). On election day, you can also submit your completed postal voting card by 5:00 p.m. at any Vienna district electoral authority or during opening hours at any Vienna voting card polling station. Tip: If you post your completed voting card in a Vienna letterbox by 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, 27 April 2025, it will be delivered on time.

All Austrian citizens (for both elections) and all non-Austrian EU citizens (for the district council elections) who will be at least 16 years old by election day (27 April 2025), had established their main residence in Vienna by the cut-off date (28 January 2025), and are not excluded from voting are eligible to vote.